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UNEP - Indigenous peoples play growing role in biodiversity protection PDF Stampa E-mail

Community-based conservation is poised to take a starring role in the effort to meet global biodiversity targets. That’s one of the take-home messages of the first-ever Protected Planet Report, released on Friday 7 September by the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Center (UNEP-WCMC). The semi-annual report will track progress towards the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets to protect 17% of the area in each of 823 terrestrial ecoregions, and 10% of the area in 232 marine ecoregions (see ‘World gets 2020 vision for conservation’ ). Although the new analysis concludes that the overall size of the protected area network has been approaching that scale, species living there are still not getting enough protection: only one-third of terrestrial ecoregions, and 13% of marine regions, pass muster, the report says. (...)

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