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FAO - Observing Deforestation from Space PDF Stampa E-mail


Using a remote sensing surveying technology, FAO has taken and analysed more than 13,500 high-resolution satellite images in 102 countries. These images will help nations to accurately assess the state of their forests.

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Atlante del rischio per i cambiamenti climatici PDF Stampa E-mail


Il quarto Climate Change and Environment Risk Atlas della Maplecroft include un nuovo Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CcviI)

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Il nuovo network Onu per lo sviluppo sostenibile è pronto a partire PDF Stampa E-mail


Malattia globale, vaccino globale. La ricerca di una risposta coordinata viene rilanciata dalle Nazioni Unite con la costruzione di un dialogo che leghi i vari spicchi di questa civilità-mondo.

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UK Environmental Audit Committee - Eighth Report Preparations for the Rio +20 Summit PDF Stampa E-mail


(...) Globally, there has been inadequate progress on sustainable development since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. There is still far to travel. Some 'planetary boundaries' having been breached, and others approaching,

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United Nations - Sustainable Energy for All Initiative PDF Stampa E-mail


In cooperation with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General and the United Nations Foundation, NGLS is facilitating civil society engagement with the Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. (...)

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